Labor Analysis Request
ODS and our team of fixed operation analysts understand the car business and look forward to sharing insight that is sure to provide value to your dealership on multiple levels. Fill out the dealership contact information below and one of our labor specialists will contact you soon!
Here are just a few questions your customized analysis will address:
- Do you want to decrease your overall liability?
- What problems are you seeing in hiring, training, and retaining quality staff?
- Are you paying more for your labor than ever before?
- Do you outsource your make ready department or are you 100% in house?
- Are you having trouble sourcing qualified labor?
- Do you struggle staffing and managing daily output for highwater mark days?
- Is your team standing around often or too busy throughout the day?
- How flexible is your labor force? Is it hard to efficiently staff for both busy and slow days?
- If repair orders and the number of cars sold monthly increased, how would you staff for this?
Onsite Dealer Solutions looks forward to providing you our complimentary dealership labor analysis. Thank you for submitting your contact information below and sharing some of the labor issues your business is currently facing.
Once your form is submitted, our team will contact you to schedule some time to discuss your dealership in greater depth. If you have some questions that you’d like to address before submitting your labor analysis request form, feel free to contact ODS at 913-912-7384.