Dealership DMS Integration Made Simple
From sales, service, finance, and accounting, to inventory, service orders, purchase orders and billing, a car dealerships DMS system is the life blood of the operation and tells you everything you need to know about your operation.
Knowing how important a properly managed DMS system is to a dealership, Onsite Dealer Solutions (ODS), took time to build its proprietary software system, SERV™ Automotive, to easily integrate with your DMS. Our goal for designing our Software as a Soltution (SaaS) is twofold.
First, a DMS systems accuracy is everything. It gives all your dealership departments the specifics of what they need to complete their job because each car is keyed in once in one place. Things get messy when you add 3rd party work orders for services like recon, glass repair, and dent removal with vendors that aren’t tied directly into your DMS.
ODS understands problems dealerships face and built SERV™ software to protect from missed jobs, duplicate ordering systems, double billing, lost paperwork, and invoicing errors.
Secondly, by tying our services directly into your DMS, ODS increases dealerships profits by allowing dealers the ability to see exactly where sales, service, and inventory is at. What makes ODS unique is our flexiblility. We help prevent staffing woes for low or high-water mark days by maximizing your inventory turn times and labor effectiveness.
Save your controllers time and energy by invoicing directly from your DMS through SERV™ Software. When a repair order is written, it can automatically and instantly write the work order for ODS or any other 3rd party vendor you use.
From our setup, your team can separate by vendor or by vehicle and quickly identify the work being done, who performed it, when it was completed, where the vehicle is in real time, and how to bill or pay invoices appropriately.
Benefits of SERV™:
- Connects Sales, Service, Finance & Accounting Departments Effectively
- Integrates with Dealership DMS System
- Improves Accuracy and Eliminates Missed Jobs
- Eliminates Duplicate Orders, Invoicing Errors, and Double Billing with Vendors
- Helps ODS Proactively Staff for Low and High Need Days
- Track Staff, Inventory, Vendors and Work Orders in One Place in Real Time
- Increases Make Ready Department Productivity and Profitability
- Saves Time, Money and Wasted Movement
- Contactless Transacations and Services
- Minimizes Controller Headaches by Eliminating Billing, PO and Invoice Reconciliation
- Maximizes Inventory Speed to Market and Turn Around Times
- Follows Vin Throughout The Recon Process
- Mobile and Desktop Connectivity
Onsite Dealer Solutions is a nationwide outsourcing services company that staff car dealerships make ready departments. For car dealerships across the United States, our custom dealer solutions coupled with our inventory management software increases dealerships revenue and customer satisfaction index scores exponentially.
We'd love to share more on how our SERV Automotive Software can help benefit your dealership. For a free tutorial or to learn more about us, give us a call at 913-912-7384 or drop us a line here.
SERV Automotive Software